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Recipes From Chef Alex

Cooking healthy is a key part of a healthy living.   My Friends House has a number of healthy cooking resources.

  • Cooking with Chef Alex (virtual for teens and adults)

  • Creative Chefs (on-site)

  • Cook and Connect (on-site for seniors)

Our virtual cooking program videos with teaching chef Alex Butler-McDow can be found at our YouTube Channel.


Our Healthy Cooking Programs have been supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Park Mesa Heights Community Council.


One of Our Many Recipes From Chef Alex
Roasted Cauliflower
1head of cauliflower
2 tbsp of vegetable or olive oil
2 tbsp. Vegetable oil
Method of Prep
1. Preheat your oven to 425F with the sheet pan i ncisive the oven
2. Wash cauliflower and pat dry with paper towel
3. Cut the cauliflower i nto l arge chunks and place i nto a l arge bowl.
4. Drizzle oils over the cauliflower chunks and toss to coat.
5. Once the oven i s hot, open the oven and pull out the rack with your baking sheet and
pour cauliflower chunks onto the sheet pan and spread them out with a spoon or
spatula. Return the pan and rack to the oven to bake for 15-20 minutes.

My Friends House, Inc

3533 W 58th Place
Los Angeles, CA 90043

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